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Really Real Time

Jack Ganssle - Watch Now - EOC 2024 - Duration: 32:32

Really Real Time
Jack Ganssle

Real-time systems must respond to events in a timely manner. We view this as a software thing, when in fact it is a systems problem. The hardware and software should be tuned to achieve the response times we need.

In this talk youโ€™ll learn how to profile software execution times, understand hardware design tradeoffs for working with high-speed systems, and weโ€™ll look at some common myths about how real-time systems should be designed. And, as embedded people, we often have the ability to trade off hardware versus software to achieve the best performance.

italicssurround text with
boldsurround text with
**two asterisks**
or just a bare URL
surround text with
strikethroughsurround text with
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prefix with

Score: 0 | 9 months ago | no reply

I always love to hear Jack's thoughts on the industry, development practices, and design philosophy. Over the years, he has greatly enhanced my professional development - starting with his early books, "The Art of Designing Embedded Systems" and "The Art of Programming Embedded Systems", his prolific contributions to "Embedded Systems Programming" / "Embedded Systems Design" magazine, and his "Embedded Muse" newsletter. His website has lots of good, crunchy embedded systems articles (https://www.ganssle.com/articles-subj.htm) that are very topical and extremely relevant. Many thanks for all the contributions he makes to the field.

Score: 0 | 10 months ago | no reply

Jack, thank you very much for the presentation and especially the Q&A session.
Your experience is a treasure chest for the younger engineers. And while it's ok to let others take the lead, as long as you have something to say, please do. It's a great pleasure to hear this long expertise in the field, and especially anecdotes from the early days that we younger ones didn't get to experience.
Thank you once again!

13:32:00	 From Tom : Good morning!
13:32:03	 From Eric : Already 250 membersโ€ฆ!
13:32:23	 From Tim Guite (TTP) : Nice snooker table @James Grenning!
13:32:38	 From Chris Svec : Nice to see a bunch of familiar faces!
13:32:41	 From Matthew : Hailing from Toronto!
13:32:49	 From James Grenning : Reacted to "Nice snooker table @..." with ๐Ÿ˜
13:32:54	 From Phil KOOPMAN : Great to see everyone, and especially you Jack!
13:33:09	 From Gordon Margulieux : Good morning
13:33:10	 From Sergio R. Caprile : Go Jack !
13:33:11	 From sanesoftware : watching from Oslo!
13:33:17	 From jack Ganssle : Great to see you all, and some familiar faces!
13:33:18	 From Jacob Beningo : Hello!
13:33:20	 From enrico : Reacted to "Hailing from Toronto..." with ๐Ÿ‘
13:33:21	 From Matthew in Madrid : Hi!
13:33:33	 From Ricardo A. Muรฑoz Canales : Hi, Good day
13:33:37	 From Dirceu Rodrigues Jr. : Hi from Brazil.
13:33:52	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Hi from Brazil as well!
13:33:52	 From Asutosh Shah : Hi from India!
13:33:53	 From Alan Heise Baldo : Hi from Brazil!
13:33:55	 From Ricardo A. Muรฑoz Canales : Hi, from Perรบ
13:34:14	 From SimonSmith : Hi from UK!
13:34:21	 From Renรฉ Andrรฉs Ayoroa : Hi from Paraguay!
13:34:24	 From Diego : Hello from Brazil :)
13:34:36	 From Francesc Figueras : Hi from Catalonia!
13:34:44	 From kuku : Hi from korea(south)
13:34:55	 From Jason Sachs : Greetings from Arizona
13:34:55	 From david.fraustro : hello from mty, mx
13:35:07	 From Jason Sachs : the video seems somewhat pixellated -- is it just me?
13:35:08	 From maria : Hi from Uruguay!
13:35:19	 From Mike : Replying to "the video seems some..."

It is clear for me
13:35:25	 From Dan Howe : Reacted to "the video seems so..." with โž•
13:35:38	 From Phil KOOPMAN : Replying to "the video seems some..."

Looks OK to me too
13:35:39	 From Ricardo A. Muรฑoz Canales : Replying to "the video seems some..."

clear for me too
13:36:39	 From James Grenning : hi from Florida
13:36:39	 From SteveG : Reacted to "the video seems so..." with โž•
13:36:53	 From Eric : Watching from Belgium
13:36:54	 From Sergio R. Caprile : Replying to "Hi from Uruguay!"

See you at Copa Amรฉrica (Argentina)
13:36:58	 From Jason Sachs : the video seems somewhat pixellated -- is it just me?
13:37:01	 From Stephane : 300!
13:37:03	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Replying to "the video seems some..."

It was at first, but them it got better
13:37:04	 From Andy MacGregor (he/him) : Reacted to "Nice to see a bunch ..." with ๐Ÿ™‚
13:37:14	 From SimonSmith : Reacted to "300!" with ๐Ÿ˜€
13:37:16	 From anil achoora : Hi Anil Achoora from India
13:37:21	 From Marcelo Montu : Reacted to "300!" with ๐Ÿ˜€
13:37:22	 From David LaRue : Hello everyone!
13:37:38	 From David C Black : Hello from Austin, Texas (USA)
13:38:21	 From enrico : Replying to "zoom-pixellated.png"

 I dont have that kind of pixelation.
13:38:24	 From Jason Sachs : Reacted to "It was at first, b..." with ๐Ÿ‘
13:38:43	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Replying to "Jason Sachs has sent..."

The image is clear for me.
13:38:46	 From Utku Karaaslan : Hello from Ottawa, Canada
13:39:15	 From Sophia Yan : Hello from Boston
13:39:38	 From Matt Burkett : Hi from Chicago! Speaking of adding spaces to compile right, I had to add NOPs before some inline assembly to get the AVR 8-bit complier to run properly haha.
13:39:58	 From Jacob Beningo : Replying to "Hi from Chicago! Spe..."

13:41:58	 From BobF : Thanks Jacob & Stephane for the entire week (EoC 2024), a grande job with Jack at the end. Well done & many thanks ... feedback will follow!
13:42:13	 From Stephane : Reacted to "Thanks Jacob & Steph..." with ๐Ÿ‘
13:42:17	 From Raul Pando : add ๐Ÿ‘
13:42:17	 From Phil Kasiecki : Reacted to Thanks Jacob & Steph... with "๐Ÿ‘"
13:42:19	 From Phil Kasiecki : Removed a ๐Ÿ‘ reaction from "Thanks Jacob & Steph..."
13:42:20	 From Phil Kasiecki : Reacted to Thanks Jacob & Steph... with "๐Ÿ‘"
13:42:21	 From Jacob Beningo : Reacted to "Thanks Jacob & Steph..." with ๐Ÿ‘
13:42:31	 From Jason Sachs : Reacted to "Thanks Jacob & Ste..." with ๐Ÿ‘
13:43:01	 From Eric : Yes, also from me many thanks to Jacob & Stpehane. Must have been a hard & intensive week ...
13:44:04	 From Matthew Eshleman : Shameless old blog post promotion on this exact topic: https://covemountainsoftware.com/2016/12/27/brother-can-you-spare-a-gpio/
13:46:03	 From Eric : R/2R-Ladder DAC
13:46:11	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "R/2R-Ladder DAC" with ๐Ÿ˜
13:46:22	 From Matthew Eshleman : brilliant... need to use that!
13:46:31	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "R/2R-Ladder DAC" with ๐Ÿ‘
13:46:41	 From Sergio R. Caprile : I love you Maxwell !
13:46:54	 From enrico : maxwell was brutal. hated it.
13:47:01	 From Jason Sachs : Reacted to "Shameless old blog..." with ๐Ÿ‘
13:47:02	 From kuku : Reacted to "maxwell was brutal. ..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
13:47:11	 From Phil Kasiecki : We all dreaded the electromagnetics courses!
13:47:17	 From SimonSmith : Reacted to "maxwell was brutal. ..." with ๐Ÿ˜†
13:47:19	 From SteveG : Heh, I'm an electrical engineer, and the math of the equations means nothing to me really.
13:47:21	 From Junnan Pan : Maxwell is the god language. Love it
13:47:23	 From Keith J : The world is analog... even for digital guys
13:47:36	 From Sophia Yan : Reacted to "The world is analog...." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
13:47:48	 From enrico : Reacted to "The world is analog...." with ๐Ÿ’ฏ
13:47:51	 From Patrick : UMantoba won't grant EE degree without passing EM
13:48:03	 From Lorenzo Novara : Reacted to "The world is analog...." with ๐Ÿ‘Ž
13:48:06	 From Aman Sehgal : Reacted to "The world is analog...." with ๐Ÿ’ฏ
13:48:10	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "The world is analog...." with ๐Ÿ’ฏ
13:48:10	 From Marcelo Montu : Reacted to "The world is analog...." with ๐Ÿ’ฏ
13:48:17	 From Shyam Srinivasan : Reacted to "The world is analog...." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
13:48:53	 From enrico : Replying to "UMantoba won't grant..."

i dont think any Canadian undergrad would give you EE without EM I and maybe even EM II
13:49:03	 From Jeff Cassidy : Reacted to "i dont think any Can..." with ๐Ÿ‘
13:49:11	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : I'm an CE and had to passo EM, lol
13:49:12	 From Mike : Reacted to "i dont think any Can..." with ๐Ÿ’ฏ
13:49:18	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : *pass
13:49:29	 From BobF : Heaviside is the guy so many missed !!
13:49:46	 From YolandeC : Reacted to "i dont think any Can..." with ๐Ÿ’ฏ
13:50:00	 From Calvin Grier : https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?kn=computer%20approximations%20hart&sts=t&cm_sp=SearchF-_-topnav-_-Results
13:50:09	 From Nick : Replying to "UMantoba won't grant..."

Same for uOttawa, I just finished a masters class on this too. This is a big reason why processors are stuck around 3-5 GHz
13:50:55	 From enrico : For any current students, or recent grads:  Check out: A Student's Guide to Maxwell's Equations

Its a small book, but helps make it easier to understand. Found the book after uni, and it helped. Wish I knew about it in uni.
13:51:08	 From Sophia Yan : Reacted to "For any current stud..." with ๐Ÿ‘
13:51:21	 From samuel barr : Reacted to "For any current stud..." with ๐Ÿ™
13:51:41	 From BobF : Reacted to "The world is analo..." with ๐Ÿ‘
13:51:58	 From Eric : Always use your probe in 1:10, never in 1:1 !
13:52:53	 From Junnan Pan : Replying to "Always use your prob..."

it's about frequency
13:53:41	 From Eric : Replying to "Always use your prob..."

In 1:1 the capacitive charge is even higher.
13:55:28	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : ๐Ÿคฃ
13:55:33	 From Phil Kasiecki : Globals are up there with goto!
13:55:53	 From Dennis Jackson : Globals: ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
13:56:12	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "Globals are up there..." with ๐Ÿ‘
13:56:32	 From sanesoftware : encapsulation doesn't depend on the language!
13:56:59	 From BobF : Reacted to "Same for uOttawa, ..." with ๐Ÿ‘
13:57:27	 From Jacob Beningo : Replying to "encapsulation doesn'..."

It can be argued that C has better encapsulation than C++ . . .
13:57:35	 From enrico : Reacted to "It can be argued tha..." with ๐Ÿ˜ฏ
13:57:48	 From Daniel Fu : Reacted to "It can be argued tha..." with ๐Ÿ˜ฏ
13:57:52	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "It can be argued tha..." with ๐Ÿ˜ฏ
13:57:56	 From Aman Sehgal : Reacted to "It can be argued tha..." with ๐Ÿ˜ฏ
13:58:21	 From Remington Furman : Reacted to "The world is analog...." with ๐Ÿ’ฏ
13:58:54	 From Remington Furman : Reacted to "For any current stud..." with ๐Ÿ‘
13:59:11	 From BobF : Reacted to "https://www.abeboo..." with ๐Ÿ‘
13:59:24	 From Matthew Eshleman : Replying to "encapsulation doesn'..."

Yes. I love C++, but needing to employ the pImpl idiom to keep a class's private, well, private, is frustrating.
14:00:03	 From Matthew Eshleman : Reacted to "It can be argued tha..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:00:42	 From BobF : Reacted to "Heh, I'm an electr..." with ๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿ’ซ
14:00:54	 From Eric : Depends also if the counter is synchronous or ripple-carry
14:01:36	 From Sergio R. Caprile : Metastability applies to both.Rpple carry has an additional problem of its own, in the way that all outs change at different times
14:02:01	 From BobF : Reacted to "We all dreaded the..." with ๐Ÿคท
14:02:32	 From Abdelaali Fargi : what is NMI ?
14:02:38	 From enrico : non maskable interrupt
14:02:41	 From Chris Svec : Replying to "what is NMI ?"

Non-Maskable Interrupt
14:02:41	 From Jacob Beningo : Non-maskable interrupt
14:02:41	 From Eric : Non-maskable interrupt
14:02:46	 From Jacob Beningo : haha
14:02:50	 From enrico : lol
14:03:22	 From Jim Woodward : I jus ran into the 32 bit read timer problem on Microchip dsPIC, because even when you configure a timer as a 32 bit timer (which is really joining one of the even numbered 16-bit timers with an odd numbered 16-bit timer - i.e. timer2 and timer 3 configured as a joined together 32 bit timer).  The problem is the dsPIC's are 16 bit wide memory and SFR register reads and you have to read the low 16 bits as one read and the high 16 bits as another read and for our motor controller code we ran into the roll over problem causing us issues when the low rolled over into the high right between the read of the low and high registers.  The timer was trying to be captured by the input capture interrupt which could only capture the low 16 bit and the input capture interrupt handler had to grab the high 16-bits.
14:03:26	 From Abdelaali Fargi : why hahaha ???
14:03:32	 From Stephane : Please remember to turn on your camera for the Q&A (if you are not in your birthday suit, of course ;))
14:03:40	 From BobF : Reacted to "I love you Maxwell..." with ๐Ÿ‘ฎ
14:03:45	 From Matthew Eshleman : Reacted to "Please remember to t..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:03:52	 From Chris Svec : Replying to "why hahaha ???"

I assume because we all answered the same question right away
14:03:53	 From Eric : Reacted to "Please remember to t..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:03:57	 From Keith J : Reacted to "Please remember to t..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:04:02	 From SimonSmith : Reacted to "Please remember to t..." with ๐Ÿ˜†
14:05:07	 From Daniel : Great presentation!!!
14:05:10	 From Sarthak : what's a birthday suit?
14:05:16	 From Davy Baker : What would you tell your younger self ?
14:05:20	 From BobF : Reacted to "what is NMI ?" with ๐ŸŽ“
14:05:23	 From Nicolas Fillon : great session again
14:05:31	 From Sergio R. Caprile : Replying to "what's a birthday su..."

14:05:34	 From Gordon : Great presentation.  Thanks
14:05:41	 From tyhw : Replying to "what's a birthday su..."

The suit you wore on your birth day
14:05:42	 From enrico : Question: What do you think is the most underrated skill that is missing from embedded ?
14:05:46	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Just to thank you all for organizing this conference! I feel like I'm interacting with celebrities from my area!
14:05:51	 From Dennis Jackson : Always great to hear Jack speak!  Loved the analog task monitor.
14:06:08	 From Jason Sachs : Reacted to "Always great to he..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:06:08	 From sanesoftware : I'm worried that all the younger engineers are learning AI and ML and not embedded. Are you worried as well?
14:06:14	 From david.fraustro : Reacted to "Always great to hear..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:06:21	 From Joรฃo Paulo (Toradex) : Reacted to "Always great to he..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:06:25	 From Remington Furman : Reacted to "I'm worried that all..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:06:31	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "I'm worried that all..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:06:43	 From Tims iPhone : Thanks Jack for your great contributions to this embedded world that I love!
14:06:58	 From IRose : Reacted to "I'm worried that all..." with ๐Ÿ˜ฏ
14:07:03	 From Jacob Beningo : Reacted to "Just to thank you al..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:07:09	 From Matthew : Do the embedded firmware for the AI h/w accelerator chips :)
14:07:18	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "Do the embedded firm..." with ๐Ÿ˜„
14:07:22	 From Eric : Reacted to "I assume because we ..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:07:27	 From Sophia Yan : Reacted to "Do the embedded firm..." with ๐Ÿ˜„
14:07:31	 From sanesoftware : Reacted to "Always great to hear..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:07:49	 From Sarthak : Replying to "what's a birthday su..."

14:07:54	 From Aman Sehgal : Question: What are the best ways to stay contantly educated ? With college costs soaring and taking classes becoming ever more expensive, what do you recommend is the best way to keep getting better at math, computer science and programming ?
14:07:58	 From Phil Kasiecki : Reacted to Just to thank you al... with "๐Ÿ‘"
14:08:00	 From Dustin Boyette : Reacted to "I'm worried that all..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:08:05	 From Phil Kasiecki : Reacted to Always great to hear... with "๐Ÿ‘"
14:08:10	 From Elecia White : Reacted to "Question: What are t..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:08:17	 From Diego : How do I walk the fine line of not being crazy hyped with new technologies (AI, Rust, etc.) and not being a closed minded guy who still thinks they can write assembly faster than a C compiler?
14:08:21	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : That's true...from the perspective of a Millenial...we're getting worse and worse on having the patience to read through stuff
14:08:23	 From Daniel A : How do you debug hardfaults that "go off the rails"?
14:08:48	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "Question: What are t..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:08:55	 From Phil Kasiecki : Reacted to Question: What are t... with "๐Ÿ‘"
14:08:56	 From William Humarang : Great session! How often would you say that your career in the embedded space took different directions? How did you bring up your skillset when greeted with a new career direction?
14:09:06	 From david.fraustro : I agree, writing clear requirements is difficult and practice is the only way to improve
14:09:28	 From Dustin Boyette : I love the embedded project anecdotes. Do you have a favorite "hard to find" bug story?
14:09:30	 From Ricardo A. Muรฑoz Canales : I apologize for the inconvenience with my camera
14:09:32	 From Matt Burkett : Tell them to attend the Embedded Online Conference ;)
14:09:41	 From Stephane : Reacted to "Tell them to attend ..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:09:50	 From Jason Sachs : Reacted to "I love the embedde..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:10:01	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Question: what would be a good roadmap to a solid foundation as a embedded systems professional? Most of the roadmaps I find are usually pretty limited or focused on specific applications or sub-areas
14:10:06	 From Nathan : I guess Phil's point is also valid for hardware engineers going to embedded firmware development ;-)
14:10:27	 From Kate Stewart : +1 on Software Engineering being missing.
14:10:35	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "+1 on Software Engin..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:10:35	 From Matt Burkett : Reacted to "+1 on Software Engin..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:10:36	 From Keith J : Replying to "I guess Phil's point..."

14:10:38	 From Raul Pando : add ๐Ÿ‘
14:10:41	 From Matthew Eshleman : Reacted to "+1 on Software Engin..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:10:48	 From sanesoftware : Reacted to "+1 on Software Engin..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:11:08	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Replying to "+1 on Software Engin..."

We usually forget about it and dive in coding stuff we don't even understand...that's a recipe to disaster...
14:11:24	 From Brian Franchuk : Reacted to "+1 on Software Engin..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:11:51	 From Phil Kasiecki : Reacted to +1 on Software Engin... with "๐Ÿ‘"
14:12:07	 From Phil Kasiecki : Reacted to Tell them to attend ... with "๐Ÿ‘"
14:12:21	 From Gonzalo Carrasco : What is the best practice taken from other engineering areas that has help you improve your embedded system skills?
14:12:35	 From BobF : It was very good of you to bring up 'Heaviside Laws' ... a subset of Maxwell's 16 !! Many thanks and enjoy your retirement from speaking events (but preferably, not from 'Embedded Muse'). Best wishes.
14:13:21	 From Emil : Would FPGA be a good strategy to ensure โ€œReal TIme โ€œ ?
14:13:53	 From Sergio R. Caprile : Totally agree. I have similar chats with my son, also a Physics major.
14:14:07	 From James Grenning : Jack just woke up a couple hundred iphones
14:14:16	 From Stephane : Reacted to "Jack just woke up a ..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:14:18	 From sanesoftware : Reacted to "Jack just woke up a ..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:14:21	 From Gordon : To use AI/ML well, it forces you to think (and write) complete requirements up front.
14:14:22	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "Jack just woke up a ..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:14:25	 From Priyesh : Reacted to "Jack just woke up a ..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:14:27	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "To use AI/ML well, i..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:14:28	 From Dustin Boyette : Reacted to "Jack just woke up a ..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:14:48	 From tyhw : Reacted to "Jack just woke up a ..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:14:52	 From Emil : QUESTION : Would FPGA be a good strategy to ensure โ€œReal Timeโ€ ?
14:15:12	 From Dustin Boyette : I miss proper "rags" like Dr. Dobbs, Embedded Systems Magazine, etc.
14:15:13	 From Phil Kasiecki : I remember a couple of years ago, Jack mentioned that the average embedded engineer reads one technical book a year.
14:15:19	 From Phil Kasiecki : Reacted to I miss proper "rags"... with "๐Ÿ‘"
14:15:20	 From Lorenzo Novara : Reacted to "I miss proper "rags"..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:15:21	 From Matthew Eshleman : Reacted to "I miss proper "rags"..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:15:32	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "I miss proper "rags"..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:15:33	 From David C Black : Read books. Spend your own money on training (donโ€™t depend on your employer). You value the materials more.
14:15:34	 From Jeff Cassidy : Replying to "QUESTION : Would FPG..."

FPGA engineer here: similar considerations apply as with software. You have to engineer it carefully. FPGAs can be very fast but itโ€™s not a guarantee.
14:15:36	 From Dustin Boyette : Reacted to "+1 on Software Engin..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:15:43	 From enrico : Replying to "I remember a couple ..."

Not if you are part of the embedded.fm book club :)
14:15:44	 From James Grenning : Replying to "I remember a couple ..."

14:15:45	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "Read books. Spend yo..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:15:48	 From Remington Furman : Reacted to "Read books. Spend yo..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:15:52	 From James Grenning : what is that book site
14:16:02	 From ever : Reacted to "Read books. Spend yo..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:16:06	 From Elecia White : Setting aside time to learn is fantastic advice! 
(Abe books is the site)
14:16:13	 From Rob Johnson : Replying to "what is that book si..."

14:16:13	 From Jim Woodward : Replying to "what is that book si..."

google search ABE books
14:16:20	 From Lorenzo Novara : Replying to "To use AI/ML well, i..."

Isn't that true for any technology?
14:16:21	 From Phil Kasiecki : Same here Dustin - plus Byte, Software Development and more. Time was when I'd go to ESC Boston and find a ton of magazines I'd take copies of home with me.
14:16:26	 From tyhw : Reacted to "what is that book si..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:16:26	 From Phil Kasiecki : Reacted to Read books. Spend yo... with "๐Ÿ‘"
14:16:40	 From Phil KOOPMAN : Reacted to "https://www.abebooks..." with ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
14:16:51	 From Joรฃo Paulo (Toradex) : Reacted to "Jack just woke up ..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:16:53	 From Phil KOOPMAN : Replying to "what is that book si..."

I recommend ABE books as well
14:16:53	 From Matthew : There are some books in archive.org too
14:16:58	 From ever : Reacted to "https://www.abebooks..." with ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
14:17:02	 From Jason Sachs : Reacted to "There are some boo..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:17:42	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "There are some books..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:17:54	 From David : What are some cool projects or experiments beginners can start with to learn about embedded systems and building their own gadgets
14:18:15	 From Rob Johnson : Replying to "what is that book si..."

https://www.bookfinder.com/ is also really useful to find price comparisons for books.
14:18:21	 From Dustin Boyette : Wasn't Go supposed to fix everything wrong with K&R C? ;-)
14:18:24	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Won't post links, but there a lot of unconventional sources you may find books at. But remember to honor the authors by buying a copy
14:18:33	 From david.fraustro : Ada looks good, too bad it never took off
14:18:51	 From SimonSmith : Replying to "Ada looks good, too ..."

Myfirst job was in Ada83.
14:18:57	 From Sophia Yan : Huh, Iโ€™ve noticed that the engineers I knew tend to be slower to adopt the shiny new tech and today I finally learned why. Never considered it as a carryover of the general mindset of minimizing risks
14:19:03	 From Nathan : Looking at this year's EOC, it seems Rust is also sexy for conferences, not just magazines xD
14:19:16	 From Phil KOOPMAN : Reacted to "Looking at this year..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:19:22	 From James Grenning : Replying to "Setting aside time t..."

14:19:29	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "Setting aside time t..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:19:29	 From Remington Furman : Reacted to "Ada looks good, too ..." with โž•
14:19:30	 From Elecia White : Replying to "What are some cool p..."

Wokwi is an amazing processor simulator where you can build your ideas without letting the magic smoke out.

Hackaday.io is a great place to look at projects with good documentation.
14:19:44	 From Remington Furman : Reacted to "Looking at this year..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:19:54	 From Eric : These days I saw a job offer for COBOL ...
14:20:05	 From enrico : Replying to "These days I saw a j..."

14:20:08	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Replying to "What are some cool p..."

Thanks a lot! Didn't know about wokwi
14:20:16	 From Dustin Boyette : Reacted to "Looking at this year..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:20:24	 From Andy MacGregor (he/him) : Have you had to give up some of these instrumention techniques (like an extra GPIO trace pin) for cost reasons? How'd you weigh the BOM costs against the potential time costs of reduced debugability?
14:20:55	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Replying to "What are some cool p..."

It would be nice to simulate using this tool in a workflow with gitlab/github
14:21:11	 From David C Black : Some things require assembly because compilers may not have a deep enough understanding. To do this, you must understand both the processor architecture and the compiler at a much deeper level than the norm. Just make sure you keep the assembly to <1% of the code and put it into a library. Ideally, find a library that already takes care of the issue and is well tested by others.
14:21:22	 From sanesoftware : failure is just redirection!
14:21:29	 From Sergio R. Caprile : Agreed again. (I'm 58 and been there)
14:21:31	 From David : How does hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation contribute to the development and testing of embedded systems, and what are some key advantages it offers over traditional simulation methods?
14:22:02	 From SimonSmith : Replying to "What are some cool p..."

There was an EOC24 talk about wokwi.
14:22:10	 From Jason Sachs : Replying to "Have you had to gi..."

debuggability is priceless
14:22:22	 From sanesoftware : Reacted to "debuggability is pri..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:22:31	 From Priyesh : Reacted to "debuggability is pri..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:22:42	 From mmarcial : Checkout EdgeImpulse for running ML on embedded. NVidia recently bought a company doing things similar to EI.
14:22:57	 From enrico : if you close your eyes...its the podcast.
14:23:03	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Replying to "How does hardware-in..."

I used it on some MCUs through my master to validate timings with an oscilloscope
14:23:07	 From BobF : All things must pass ... โ€˜The End of an Era_ Zilog Discontinues the Z80 Microprocessorโ€™
14:23:19	 From Ryan Tsang : Reacted to "if you close your ey..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:23:24	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "if you close your ey..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:23:36	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Replying to "if you close your ey..."

Really soothing voice, isn't it?
14:23:42	 From enrico : Reacted to "Really soothing voic..." with ๐Ÿ’ฏ
14:23:54	 From Tarik Kurtovic : Reacted to "if you close your eyโ€ฆ" with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:24:18	 From Dustin Boyette : Reacted to "Same here Dustin - p..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:24:21	 From Tarik Kurtovic : Removed a ๐Ÿ˜‚ reaction from "if you close your eyโ€ฆ"
14:24:22	 From Jason Sachs : Reacted to "Agreed again. (I'm..." with ๐ŸŽ‰
14:24:24	 From Jason Sachs : Removed a ๐ŸŽ‰ from "Agreed again. (I'm..."
14:24:47	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : We'd should be able to record this chatlog....pretty invaluable informations
14:24:48	 From Sergio R. Caprile : Agreed again! Writing Etrhernet drivers and HALs now...
14:24:50	 From Asutosh Shah : Jack thank you for your wonderful muses. You have been always an inspiration.
14:24:58	 From GSR : ๐Ÿ‘ Thank you for your time Jack. Great session.
14:25:01	 From Phil Kasiecki : Indeed, where the hardware and software intersects is where all the magic is in doing this work.
14:25:11	 From Tom WIck : Reacted to "Indeed, where the ..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:25:16	 From david.fraustro : what are your favorite sw tools? like code editors, IDEs, etc
14:27:06	 From Dustin Boyette : Replying to "what are your favori..."

Who would ever need anything more than vi? ;)
14:27:17	 From Marcelo Montu : Reacted to "Who would ever need ..." with โค๏ธ
14:27:18	 From Matthew : Replying to "what are your favori..."

14:27:19	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Replying to "what are your favori..."

Agreed!! Maybe neovim
14:27:20	 From sanesoftware : Reacted to "Who would ever need ..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:27:20	 From Dustin Boyette : Reacted to "what are your favori..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:27:22	 From Eric : Replying to "We'd should be able ..."

You can save the Chat locally โ€ฆ upper Right menu.
14:27:24	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "Who would ever need ..." with โค๏ธ
14:27:25	 From David C Black : Hardware/Software has worked well for me. Intentionally focused on BSEE/BACS.
14:27:29	 From Francesc Figueras : Reacted to "Who would ever nee..." with โค๏ธ
14:27:37	 From Sophia Yan : Replying to "We'd should be able ..."

14:27:45	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "You can save the Cha..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:27:57	 From Ryan Tsang : Do you know anything about static analysis tools for predicting task execution time? It makes sense to me that the measurements from instrumentation would be more accurate and reliable, but when I saw the initial examples I was wondering if we couldnโ€™t do code analysis to get an estimated upper bound on number of cycles (assuming we know the cycles per instruction)? (Though I suppose indirection is likely an issue as well)
14:28:03	 From ever : Reacted to "Who would ever need ..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:28:05	 From Sophia Yan : Reacted to "You can save the Cha..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:28:09	 From Stephane : Replying to "We'd should be able ..."

We post all chatlogs on the EOC website
14:28:14	 From Phil Kasiecki : Replying to "what are your favori..." 

 Dustin - maybe someo...
14:28:14	 From Remington Furman : The AI won't reference Phil Koopman's wonderful book on the topic and will probably choose the wrong polynomial too.
14:28:25	 From Eric : Reacted to "Who would ever need ..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:28:27	 From Nicolas Fillon : Thanks everyone for an amazing week of learning. Great work Jacob & Stephane. Great talk Jack.
14:28:28	 From Phil KOOPMAN : Reacted to "Thanks everyone for ..." with ๐Ÿคฃ
14:28:31	 From Phil KOOPMAN : Removed a ๐Ÿคฃ reaction from "Thanks everyone for ..."
14:28:34	 From Elecia White : Reacted to "Thanks everyone for ..." with ๐Ÿ‘†
14:28:36	 From Phil KOOPMAN : Reacted to "The AI won't referen..." with ๐Ÿคฃ
14:28:48	 From Elecia White : Removed a ๐Ÿ‘† reaction from "Thanks everyone for ..."
14:28:51	 From Elecia White : Reacted to "The AI won't referen..." with ๐Ÿ‘†
14:28:55	 From ever : Replying to "what are your favori..."

I do know a few that emacs is the preferred choice
14:29:12	 From Eric : Replying to "what are your favori..."

@Phil Kasiecki emacs = Eight Megabytes Always Continously Swapping
14:29:20	 From Dustin Boyette : Reacted to "@Phil Kasiecki emacs..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:29:32	 From Phil Kasiecki : Reacted to @Phil Kasiecki emacs... with "๐Ÿ˜‚"
14:29:33	 From Dustin Boyette : Reacted to "Dustin - maybe someo..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:29:38	 From ever : Reacted to "@Phil Kasiecki emacs..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:29:42	 From Matthew Eshleman : I've attended at least two of Jack's in person embedded disaster story presentation (back in the day).  Excellent presentation.
14:30:01	 From Tom WIck : The hardware eventually breaks, and the firware eventually works, but what is the most fundamental skill to look for in an Embedded Developer?
14:30:51	 From Abdelaali Fargi  to  Stephane(Direct Message) : Hi Stephane
Please let me know when the announcement of winners of prizes related to nxp conference happened in a few days ago ?
Thank you in advance.
14:30:59	 From SCarter : Thanks Jack, I've enjoyed your insights and sailing stories over the years.
14:31:11	 From ever : Reacted to "$$$$$" with ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ
14:31:23	 From Stephane  to  Abdelaali Fargi(Direct Message) : Replying to "Hi Stephane
Please l..."

winners will be notified next week
14:31:39	 From Abdelaali Fargi  to  Stephane(Direct Message) : Replying to "Hi Stephane
Please l..."

Thank you
14:31:47	 From Matthew Eshleman : Reacted to "Thanks Jack, I've en..." with ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
14:32:09	 From Eric : Boeing: inform the pilots that there is a Software they did not know...
14:32:23	 From Matthew : Wonder if we are using the aviation practice for the EVs?
14:32:25	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "Boeing: inform the p..." with ๐Ÿคฃ
14:32:42	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Replying to "Wonder if we are usi..."

We should...
14:32:53	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Replying to "Wonder if we are usi..."

Not from Boeing, though
14:32:56	 From sanesoftware : Reacted to "Wonder if we are usi..." with ๐Ÿ˜ž
14:33:06	 From Priyesh : Reacted to "Boeing: inform the p..." with ๐Ÿคฃ
14:33:09	 From Phil KOOPMAN : Replying to "Wonder if we are usi..."

car companies say it is too expensive to follow safety standards
14:33:14	 From Alan Baldo - @alanhbaldo : Reacted to "Boeing: inform the p..." with ๐Ÿคฃ
14:33:17	 From Daniel : The record will be of public access? where ?
14:33:17	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : The research group I'm part of does ML/DL only on FPGA first
14:33:17	 From Carlos Hidalgo : Replying to "Wonder if we are usi..."

After listening to Phil Koopman's presentation, clearly not!
14:33:26	 From Elecia White : Replying to "Wonder if we are usi..."

Phil Koopman had a keynote about that yesterday. UL4600 may be of interest.
14:33:32	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "Phil Koopman had a k..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:33:37	 From iPad365 : Reacted to "Phil Koopman had a kโ€ฆ" with ๐Ÿ‘
14:33:38	 From iPad365 : Removed a ๐Ÿ‘ reaction from "Phil Koopman had a kโ€ฆ"
14:33:44	 From Jay : Thanks, Jack! Your contributions to Embedded development are far-reaching. We appreciate you and hope you enjoy retirement! (Stay safe...re "Dog ate my homework")
14:33:45	 From Phil KOOPMAN : Reacted to "Phil Koopman had a k..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:33:50	 From Rob Johnson : Reacted to "car companies say it..." with ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ
14:33:51	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Replying to "The record will be o..."

I'd love to know as well
14:34:00	 From Keith J : Replying to "Wonder if we are usi..."

Car companies need to learn that it is too expensive to NOT follow the safety standards
14:34:08	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "Car companies need t..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:34:10	 From Phil KOOPMAN : Reacted to "Car companies need t..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:34:27	 From Rob Johnson : Reacted to "Car companies need t..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:34:34	 From Stephane : Replying to "The record will be o..."

You mean the recording of this talk? It will be at the same place that you went to access this Zoom session: https://embeddedonlineconference.com/session/Really_Real_Time
14:34:40	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : BYD is "invading" my country...hope their cars are safe enough
14:35:35	 From Matthew : Replying to "BYD is "invading" my..."

If folks cannot handle 0 to 100 in 3.8 secs, don't pick BYD :)
14:35:40	 From Eric : Never buy a car from People who believe in reincarnation ...
14:35:53	 From Andrรฉ Rodrigues : Thanks Jack, for this nice talk.
14:36:03	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "If folks cannot hand..." with ๐Ÿ˜„
14:36:06	 From Stephane : https://embeddedonlineconference.com/session/Tools_for_Embedded_Systems_Development
14:36:27	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Replying to "https://embeddedonli..."

Thanks Stephane!
14:36:39	 From david.fraustro : Reacted to "https://embeddedonli..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:36:48	 From Dustin Boyette : Reacted to "You mean the recordi..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:36:57	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Which brands? I'd love some cheaps ones...my national curency its pretty weak
14:37:15	 From Matthew Eshleman : Replying to "Which brands? I'd lo..."

Rigol is one
14:37:24	 From Nick : Replying to "Which brands? I'd lo..."

Try the new 12 bit Rigol scopes
14:37:31	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Replying to "Which brands? I'd lo..."

Still too damn expensive for me
14:37:44	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Replying to "Which brands? I'd lo..."

I'll look for it, Nick, thx
14:38:12	 From Elecia White : Replying to "Which brands? I'd lo..."

Digilent and Saleae are probably high-end but you can get a still-good cheap one from many sites:
14:38:13	 From Nick : Replying to "Which brands? I'd lo..."

Here is where I usually look, but I'm in Canada
14:38:46	 From Abdelaali Fargi : Thank you Jack for this great presentation and discussion.
14:39:14	 From Matthew Eshleman : Replying to "Which brands? I'd lo..."

Jack's reviews are here: https://www.ganssle.com/tools.htm#logicanal
14:39:33	 From Jason Sachs : Reacted to "Jack's reviews are..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:40:25	 From Gopinath : Are you concerned about the security of embedded systems, especially in this day and age where they are so ingrained in our lives (IoT, EV's, etc.)
14:40:32	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Replying to "Which brands? I'd lo..."

Yeah...here in Brazil, everyone of those options are REALLY expensive, guess I'll have to bite the bullet. Thank you all for the suggestions.
14:40:42	 From David : How much do you value TDD in embedded development ?
14:41:08	 From David : Jack, can you talk a bit about becoming an Embedded Expert Witness and some of your experiences?
14:41:10	 From karim naqvi : Valuable attribute in an engineer: the ability to get unstuck
14:41:46	 From enrico : lol
14:41:50	 From Matthew Eshleman : Replying to "How much do you valu..."

14:41:53	 From sanesoftware : how was that not from James?!
14:42:00	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "how was that not fro..." with ๐Ÿคฃ
14:42:33	 From David C Black : โ€œDeveloperโ€™s Guide to Debuggingโ€ provides an excellent checklist. https://www.amazon.com/Developers-Guide-Debugging-2nd-ebook/dp/B007ZBNVVW/ref=sr_1_1?sr=8-1
14:42:57	 From Matthew Eshleman : Replying to "How much do you valu..."

I'll be darn. The first time I have disagreed with Jack.
14:43:19	 From Dustin Boyette : Reacted to "Jack's reviews are h..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:43:30	 From Utku Karaaslan : Thanks a lot to Jack for all the great insights and to Stephane and Jacob for making this session happen. After all, standing on the shoulders of giants is how we can see further.
14:43:32	 From James Grenning : Common misconception that TDD is all that a TDD practicioner does.
14:43:34	 From tyhw : Replying to "How much do you valu..."

Good question with an interesting answer!
14:43:40	 From Phil Kasiecki : Replying to "How much do you valu..." 

 There's a first time...
14:44:08	 From Matthew Eshleman : Reacted to "Common misconception..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:44:14	 From Armando Miguel : Reacted to "Common misconception..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:44:18	 From Matthew Eshleman : Reacted to "Thanks a lot to Jack..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:44:23	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Replying to "โ€œDeveloperโ€™s Guide t..."

Thx, just bought it.
14:44:35	 From Matthew Rodriguez : Reacted to "Common misconception..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:44:38	 From CP : The search program called Everything indexes an entire drive and allows locating a file when given a portion of the filename.  It is a free program that can be found at www.voidtools.com
14:44:43	 From John Chapman : Replying to "Common misconception..."

I look at TDD as a tool to move _some_ testing further left. It is a piece of the big picture but not the ONLY piece.
14:44:55	 From Emil : QUESTION : Future of Embedded system โ€ฆ in which are embedded and real time system would be needed (engineers not AI ) the most ?
14:45:00	 From sanesoftware : Reacted to "I look at TDD as a t..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:45:05	 From sanesoftware : Reacted to "Common misconception..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:45:09	 From enrico : Replying to "โ€œDeveloperโ€™s Guide t..."


Also a good book. EEV blog talked about it. Helps you think about problems differently. After it becomes intuitive.
14:45:34	 From Rob Johnson : Replying to "โ€œDeveloperโ€™s Guide t..."

I'll have to look at this, thanks! I really like Debugging by Agans https://www.amazon.com/Debugging-Indispensable-Software-Hardware-Problems-ebook/dp/B00PDDKQV2/
14:45:34	 From David : What's your opinion on DevOps CI/CD for embedded systems?
14:46:19	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "What's your opinion ..." with ๐Ÿคฃ
14:46:35	 From jeff - not a member (or a ham), yet! : Reacted to "Common misconception..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:46:44	 From Dennis Jackson : Replying to "What's your opinion ..."

Use it!
14:46:55	 From John Chapman : Reacted to "Use it!" with ๐Ÿ‘
14:47:09	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : People are trying to put the speakers against each other?? lol
14:47:27	 From John Chapman : Reacted to "Common misconception..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:47:30	 From tyhw : Reacted to "People are trying to..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:47:36	 From Sergio R. Caprile : We do CI/CD at Mongoose
14:47:38	 From Daniel A : Question: How do  you debug hardfaults that "go off the rails"?
14:47:39	 From Mike : Reacted to "People are trying to..." with ๐Ÿ˜‚
14:47:48	 From Nicolas Fillon : Bravo guys
14:47:51	 From Gordon : Thanks
14:48:01	 From Phil KOOPMAN : Thanks Jack -- really appreciate your insights, stories, teaching, and benefitting from your wisdom over the years!
14:48:03	 From Daniel A : No call stack
14:48:08	 From Gopinath : Are you concerned about the security of embedded systems?
14:48:15	 From Sergio R. Caprile : Replying to "Question: How do  yo..."

Memfault ?
14:48:16	 From Matthew Eshleman : TOAST to Jack. You very much made me a better engineering. Congrats on retirement!
14:48:28	 From mmarcial : Reacted to "TOAST to Jack. You v..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:48:28	 From enrico : Reacted to "TOAST to Jack. You v..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:48:34	 From Phil Kasiecki : Reacted to TOAST to Jack. You v... with "๐Ÿ‘"
14:48:38	 From Utku Karaaslan : Reacted to "TOAST to Jack. You v..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:48:40	 From Rob Johnson : Reacted to "TOAST to Jack. You v..." with โž•
14:48:40	 From Mike : https://embeddedonlineconference.com/session/Creating_Chaos_and_Hard_Faults
14:48:44	 From Remington Furman : Reacted to "TOAST to Jack. You v..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:48:46	 From sanesoftware : yeah Elecia!
14:49:00	 From Remington Furman : Reacted to "https://embeddedonli..." with โ˜๏ธ
14:49:03	 From a : Reacted to "QUESTION : Future ..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:49:09	 From Phil KOOPMAN : Reacted to "https://embeddedonli..." with โ˜๏ธ
14:49:12	 From Ricardo A. Muรฑoz Canales : thanks
14:49:23	 From Mark Wilbrink : Reacted to "TOAST to Jack. You v..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:49:24	 From Phil Kasiecki : Haven't checked it out yet, but I'm sure Elecia's talk will be well worth the time.
14:49:34	 From sanesoftware : Reacted to "Haven't checked it o..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:50:21	 From James Grenning : Replying to "Common misconception..."

i agree John
14:50:23	 From Phil Kasiecki : Have "password" as the password, another common problem.
14:50:34	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Elecia's our Embedded Goddess!
14:50:37	 From Sophia Yan : Reacted to "https://embeddedonli..." with โ˜๏ธ
14:50:50	 From Matthew : Replying to "Have "password" as t..."

"12345678" :)
14:51:14	 From Dustin Boyette : Reacted to "Have "password" as t..." with โœ๏ธ
14:51:14	 From sanesoftware : Reacted to "Elecia's our Embedde..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:51:52	 From Junnan Pan : What would you like to do after your retirement? Maybe try another interesting area instead of embedded System? Or just enjoy the life
14:51:52	 From david.fraustro : many MCUs now have a dedicated HSE module, but is not so easy to get it going
14:52:06	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Reacted to "many MCUs now have a..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:52:29	 From Vincent Queval : Keep ourselves updated is key. Do you have any specific advice for ADHD folks having a harder time picking up a book & stayig focused?
14:52:41	 From David Long : Thanks for a great session!
14:52:43	 From Scott : Thanks Jack! I've been in the indusrty for 25 years now and I've always enjoyed your magazine articles (back in the day), Embedded Muse, and presentations at conferences. I hope that you continue to enjoy your semi-retirement.
14:52:51	 From David LaRue : Learning to break into systems is fun and useful.  You get to find issues and correct them before the bad actors do, especially on embedded systems.
14:52:51	 From sanesoftware : Thank you!
14:52:52	 From Matthew Eshleman : Reacted to "Thanks Jack! I've be..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:52:55	 From enrico : THANK YOU JACK!
14:52:57	 From Mark Wilbrink : Reacted to "Thanks Jack! I've be..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:52:57	 From Herman Roebbers : Thanks Jack!
14:52:59	 From Lyden Smith : Thank you Jack!
14:53:01	 From Remington Furman : Reacted to "Thanks Jack! I've be..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:53:01	 From Oscar Aurin : Thank you, Jack!
14:53:07	 From Jason Sachs : Reacted to "TOAST to Jack. You..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:53:08	 From enrico : start a twitch stream
14:53:08	 From Keith J : Thanks for everything over the years Jack!
14:53:08	 From Sergio R. Caprile : Thank you, Jack
14:53:09	 From SimonSmith : Thanks Jack. Love the Muse!
14:53:10	 From Craig Ogawa : Thank you Jack!!!
14:53:10	 From James Grenning : well done Jack!
14:53:10	 From Gopinath : Thanks for your answer about security, Jack. Great insights! Thanks for the talk.
14:53:10	 From Pavel Kyn : Thank you very much Jack
14:53:11	 From Andy MacGregor (he/him) : Thank you for opening this up to the public! And thanks for the great talk.
14:53:12	 From Michael Belsky : Thank you!
14:53:16	 From Tim Guite (TTP) : Thanks Jack! For this talk and all of the amazing content you've put out over the years! :)
14:53:17	 From William Humarang : Thank you Jack!
14:53:19	 From Vincent Queval : Thank you so much Jack!!
14:53:20	 From Dennis Jackson : Enjoy retirement ๐Ÿ™‚
14:53:20	 From Vishwa : Thank you very much Jack!
14:53:21	 From Dustin Boyette : Thanks, Jack!
14:53:22	 From Alan Baldo - @alanhbaldo : Thanks Jack!
14:53:27	 From Remington Furman : Reacted to "Thank you for openin..." with โž•
14:53:28	 From Utku Karaaslan : Thanks a lot Jack! Happy retirement!
14:53:34	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Replying to "Keep ourselves updat..."

I;ve found that writing stuff down helps me a lot with it
14:53:35	 From v : Thanks Jack and everybody.
14:53:36	 From Andrew MacIsaac : Thank you!
14:53:42	 From Ryan Tsang : Thank you so much for this talk! It was wonderful!
14:53:43	 From Joรฃo Paulo (Toradex) : Thank you Jack!
14:53:46	 From Vincent Queval : Reacted to "I;ve found that writ..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:53:46	 From Herman Roebbers : Thanks Jacob and Stephane
14:53:52	 From Carlos Hidalgo : Thank you Jack!
14:53:54	 From Phil Kasiecki : Thank you Jack! I've been fortunate to see you give a number of talks and read many articles you wrote, and every time I came away all the better for it.
14:54:28	 From Vincent Queval : Replying to "Keep ourselves updat..."

Writing while learning ? Thanks Caio
14:54:45	 From dave : Thank you Jack!!
14:54:45	 From Eric : Thank you all for this EOC!
14:54:46	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Replying to "QUESTION : Would FPG..."

!oscior the sripps with
14:54:51	 From Bryce Deary (chem / compSci) : Thanks Jack
14:55:06	 From David : Thanks Jacob and Stephane!!
14:55:06	 From Remington Furman : Replying to "Keep ourselves updat..."

I don't know if would help you, but I like to highlight and write margin notes as I read to make it more active.  Helps me focus.
14:55:06	 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Replying to "Keep ourselves updat..."

Yes. I suffer from this too. It takes longer, but works for me at least.
14:55:08	 From Mustapha : I'm driving, sorry I can't turn camera on.
14:55:10	 From Renรฉ Andrรฉs Ayoroa : Thank you Jack!
14:55:11	 From Raul Pando : Thank you all for another great EOC
14:55:14	 From Min : Thank you very much Jack!
14:55:14	 From david.fraustro : very nice talk, thanks
14:55:16	 From Mustapha : Thanks Jack
14:55:19	 From Junnan Pan : thank you
14:55:22	 From Vincent Queval : Reacted to "Yes. I suffer from t..." with ๐Ÿ‘
14:55:25	 From Vincent Queval : Reacted to "Yes. I suffer from t..." with โค๏ธ
14:55:26	 From James Grenning : Good job Jacob an Stephane