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Live Q&A - Overcoming Obstacles for Developing Exceptional Embedded User Interfaces

Nik Schultz - Crank Software - Watch Now - EOC 2021 - Duration: 24:03

Live Q&A with Nik Schultz for the theatre talk titled Overcoming Obstacles for Developing Exceptional Embedded User Interfaces
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Score: 0 | 3 years ago | 1 reply

Hi Nik... Storyboard can include into a AWS FreeRTOS deployment? FreeRTOS use a C language... Is possible integrate it using a LED or LCD screens? Thanks

Nik SchultzSpeaker
Score: 0 | 3 years ago | no reply

Absolutely, the majority of our supported MCU platforms on top of FreeRTOS. That being said we also support other RTOS's (Azure, MQX etc..)

Score: 0 | 3 years ago | 1 reply

When it comes to embedded systems and the storyboard, is there any concern for memory if you add more functionality and/or buttons and whether or not the added items will "fit"?

Nik SchultzSpeaker
Score: 0 | 3 years ago | no reply

Great question and the answer is yes, always :)

Storyboard provides a metrics view that helps you view the current resource consumption of your UI design. The metrics view shows the breakdown between what would be filesystem or flash storage vs RAM so you know if the current version of your UI will fit on your hardware.


Score: 0 | 3 years ago | 1 reply

I fully agree to the prior comments, the demo looks nice but how to bring the UI to real hardware and connect it? And is this approach only applicable for systems like the iMX Platform where you have an underlying embedded linux or can you tailor down th UI to bare metal systems too?

Nik SchultzSpeaker
Score: 0 | 3 years ago | no reply

Hi Erwin,
Please see some of the responses I've included to other comments. Storyboard is a scalable solution and will run on MPU systems down to MCU systems. We have many of customers shipping products on popular MCU solutions from vendors like NXP(RT10XX, K70, etc..), ST(STM32F4, STM32H7, etc..) bare metal is always a conversation(in most cases yes), some customers provide their own OS abstraction layers, and others simply leverage an RTOS.

Score: 0 | 3 years ago | 1 reply

Nice demos, but I missed seeing how do you connect the nice GUI with the embedded code, something like FreeRTOS or similar....

Nik SchultzSpeaker
Score: 0 | 3 years ago | no reply

Very reasonable comment, I kept this talk more focused on design constraints but the following links should shed some light on this.


There are a few technical differences(task vs process) between RTOS's and an OS like Linux but the same principles apply in regards to sending events with data.

Score: 0 | 3 years ago | 1 reply

Is there any open source alternative similar to Storyboard?

Nik SchultzSpeaker
Score: 0 | 3 years ago | no reply

I'm not sure if there are open source alternatives that are very similar to Storyboard given that we are Design tooling built around a runtime engine. Generally the open-source versions are code libraries.

Score: 0 | 3 years ago | 1 reply

What would happen if you click the thermostat button on the thermostat screen? Would it also go left or do nothing?

Nik SchultzSpeaker
Score: 0 | 3 years ago | no reply

Great question, If you trigger a screen transition to a screen that you are currently on the transition will be ignored, so in this case nothing.

Score: 0 | 3 years ago | 1 reply

Storyboard seems great for Mockups and fast prototyping but is there any way to export the GUI and interactions and integrate easily into embedded Linux code? How do you integrate this with the backend?

Nik SchultzSpeaker
Score: 0 | 3 years ago | no reply

Thank you for the question. You can absolutely export your application for integration in embedded applications(pretty much any OS/RTOS, not just Linux) I'm going to include some links to resources that describe this scenario since you could choose a few different options. As for integrating to your backend, we provide an IPC library (C) that allows you to send/receive events with data. So you can create custom events to trigger actions specific to your application. In the context of this video imagine a "TemperatureUpdate" event with the current temperature as data.


